First hinge prototype

After printing the design on a PLA 3D printer, the prototype could be tested.

After cleaning up the print, wire was used to act as quick, simple hinges.

Unfortunatly, plastic left from the support material filled the tolerance within the joints, making them not fit. And so, when being pressed together the finger tip cracked slightly.

The finger joints were cleaned up furher using a craft knife and an elastic band was used to spring the finger back into place. The prototype seems quitre good currently, as can be seen below.


As can be seen here, the finger tip is secured in plumbers grips so the glue can dry, and it also acts as a weighted base.


In further evolutions of this design, the finger will be printed to a higher accuracy level and on a better 3D printer, mostly likely the markforge nylon printer. That will offer strength and regidity.