Finger Control Electronics

The electronics controlling the robotic finger is based around closed loop PID control using potentiometer feedback. The motor controller is currently an L298N dual H-bridge module, controlled by a Teensy 3.2.

Here, the teensy can be seen. Each potentiometer is of course connected to VCC and GND, this is done via the connector along the bottom reail of the breadboard as seen above. The 3.3v power is provided bia a 3.3V Low dropout regulator powered by the USB 5V input. This is because the onboard 3.3V regulator can only provide a maximum of 200ma and so to improve the headroom for all the potentiometers and future sensors an external regulator is used.

The feedback signals from the potentiometers is fed back into the teensy using analog pins, and the H-bridge is connected using digital PWM pins, each on their own 0.1" connector.

Below is a demonstration of how the H-bridge will control the finger joints, as part of test of the system.