Controlling ROS URDF models with Potentiometers

Following on from successfully publishing the correct message into ROS using a teensy 3.2 the next step is to control the URDF file as shown earlier with these published messages.

To do this, the URDF tutortial was used as an easy way to control the URDF file, and then by running the teensy control, RQT_Gragh confirmed the correct publishing of the messages, then by stopping the robot controller program as part of the tutorial the potentiometer iunoputs from the teensy can control the joints in the URDF file and visualised within Rviz.

Reading Sensor data into ROS

Using the ROS sensor message Joint_State, the values of poteneitometers can be read into ROS using the Teensy 3.2 microcontroller.

This has been tested and is now working as part of the Joint_State_Test code on the github repo.

Bellow is an example of the message printed into the ROS topic

  seq: 5531
    secs: 1552565641
    nsecs: 853453006
  frame_id: "/myBot"
name: [fore_finger_joint_one_pitch, fore_finger_joint_one_yaw, fore_finger_joint_two, fore_finger_joint_three]
position: [1.1746424436569214, 1.0226298570632935, 0.0, 0.0]
velocity: []
effort: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Read more: Reading Sensor data into ROS

Early Palm Design

The aim of the palm of the hand is to connect all the fingers together, offer a point to grasp against and rounds off the humanoid aspect of the design.

Below is a render of an early design, this design demonstraters finger placement and offers a cutout for the thumb to rotate while other fingers are locked. This design does not currently offer the yaw DoF present in earlier designs. However, these axis offer added complication and most importantly, use up space. With only a rotation hinge and a magnified scale, the space required for these fingers is already lacking even without yaw movement.

Hand Layout

Now there is a working design for the robotic finger, the hand layout is being designed again.

Here is the first run of the design, involving the placement of all the fingers including the thumb. The palm section of the hand will be made of a front and back part that will attach together holding the fingers together.

Read more: Hand Layout