Examining the Human Hand

As this robotic end effector is intended to replicate the human hand, why not take lessons from nature?

Here, the features of the human hand will be discussed, and the joint types explained, as well as possible translations into a mechanical system.

Read more: Examining the Human Hand

Hinge Prototype Evaluation

The main issue found so far with this prototype is, it does not evenly bend. One joint typically bends a great deal before the other then starts.

Each joint moves freely, and to limit this issue in this design. The elastic has been tied at each finger joint as to limit each joint's effect on the other. However this is still not ideal.

Potentially, each joint may need to be sprung independantly, and perhaps controlled individually instead of with a single tendon like controil wire.

Carefully setting the length of rubber for each segment has minimised the issue. But this may not be practical when in use, or stay consistant.

Read more: Hinge Prototype Evaluation